Everything is not preordained, clock tower snipers are allowed to snipe
All things are not preordained. The future has not already happened. Like it
was on a tape and we are just waiting to catch up. God gives us free will. And
that means that there are always two choices. Good and bad. Satan's way or God's
God created us in the first place to have fellowship with him. Now if everything
was preordained God would have in essence created a bunch of wind up
toys. Like those wind up dogs that bark and walk for about 60 seconds after you
wind them up.
What fun would those be for God? The Father would then actually be alone in the
universe if the earth was filled with a bunch of wind up toys that are always
predictable. And always did the same thing. His desire for fellowship with like
beings would have been thwarted if everything was preordained.
Humans are in essence Gods just like him but he restricts our ability to do
supernatural things like he can do. If we could move mountains like he can we
would always be moving them. And he likes the mountains just where they are.
Now because we have free will (not absolute, but mostly). We can sin. Or choose
not to. And we can kill our babies with abortions if that suits our fancy. And
not get it in the neck. Not right away that is.
Clock tower and book store depository snipers
Are allowed to snipe.
It is
Free will.
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