Suffer from Anxiety, Worry or Depression? You won't be in 15 Minutes
There is a secret prayer in the bible that you can use to
give yourself peaceful calmness and confidence, and it works every time.
If you invest 15 minutes of your time right now, you can learn how to eliminate
almost all the fear, worry, anxiety and depression that you experience for the
rest of your life.
The prayer is based on the bible verse Matthew 18:18, "Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven". Fear, worry, anxiety and depression are primarily caused by what are called "unclean spirits" tormenting you. Everyone is forced to deal with them to one degree or another, they are sent by Satan to try to make you miserable and your life more unpleasant and unsatisfying. One of the biggest things Jesus did while he was on the earth was to cast out demons and unclean spirits from people, for instance he cast out a total of seven unclean spirits from Mary Magdalene. Some people refer to them as the Devil's advocates, always running fear based ideas and questions through your mind, "what if this happens, what if that happens?". They take away all the peace from your home, if your house is always in a bit of an uproar then this prayer will be very effective for you. These unclean spirits have the right to do their worst on you and the only long term solution is to intervene in their plans with a force that has greater power than they do. It is like when you were young and some bullies started to pick on you at the playground until you cried out "help Mom" and the stronger power came along and shooed them away.
We are instructed to "Submit therefore to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you". (James 4:7) That is all we are obligated to do, resist and keep resisting. That is what you are doing with this prayer, you are formally stating your firm alliance with God the Father and requesting his assistance to bind all the powers of Satan in your life.
Jesus said, "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues", etc.. (Mark 16:17) The binding and the casting out of all the Satanic influences and problems in you life is a thing that is done by acting in compliance with the methods listed in the word of God. It is a power that your are meant to have. If you do not know how to do it properly, you will suffer needlessly all of your life for not developing this critical skill.
The nice thing about this prayer is that it always works no matter what level of faith or lack of faith you have. God uses this prayer in fact to take even people who do not believe in God and demonstrates the existence of the supernatural world to them in a way so profound that everyone who tries the prayer and experiences its amazing effect will then tend to go on and develop faith. Basically God makes it work even for unbelievers as a kind of recruiting tool that proves the existence of God to them.
There is one condition that must be met however, it is only effective if you pray it on your knees (if you are physically able to).
God is willing to give you an clear sign and demonstration of power from Heaven only if you are willing to humble yourself a little bit before the most high God. If you pray it on your knees, it will knock your socks off with a peaceful calmness and confidence that most people describe as similar to having about 4 stiff drinks in about 5 minutes (without the hangover). Here it is, sweet dreams.
Dear Shekinah,
I ask that you bind all of the unclean spirits, all of the spirits of fear, all of the spirits of worry, and all of the spirits of anxiety, that are within me or that do influence me. My dear Lord, I humbly ask, that you please hear my prayer.
Dear Shekinah, I ask that you bind Satan, and all of his powers and all of his principalities that are within me or that do influence me. My dear Lord, I humbly ask, that you please hear my prayer.
Dear Shekinah, I ask that you cast out all of the unclean spirits, all of the spirits of fear, all of the spirits of worry, and all of the spirits of anxiety, that are within me or that do influence me and that you charge them strictly to never re-enter me ever again. My dear Lord, I humbly ask, that you please hear my prayer.
Dear Shekinah, I ask that you cast out Satan and all of his powers and all of his principalities that are within me or that do influence me and that you charge them strictly to never re-enter me ever again. My dear Lord, I humbly ask, that you please hear my prayer.
Dear Shekinah, I ask that you loose the spirit of great peace, and the spirit of great tranquility, and the spirit of great contentment, and the spirit of great serenity, to me. My dear Lord, I humbly ask, that you please hear my prayer.
All praise and glory only unto you
dear Shekinah.
I love you.
Amen and Amen
Print up a copy of the prayer to read from and say it slowly, carefully and reverently, God matches how effectively it works with the amount of care and reverence that you put into saying it. After some time when you have it memorized you should say it with your eyes closed. We call this prayer the "House Cleaning Prayer" as it cleans up and gets rid of the accumulation of unclean spirits or their influence from your body or spiritual house. You do it each day and also anytime you feel a bit nervous or ill at ease.
Note, if you say it on a daily basis, or repeatedly, you could say it in a less reverent position. i.e. - not on your knees. You could say it while laying in bed, for instance. Or anytime other.
It has a immediate effect and also a long term effect. The immediate effect you will soon feel. Peaceful calmness and serenity. However, over a period of time your very spirit will become to be Holy.
Over time you will develop a divine faith and countenance similar to that of God. Over a period of years, you will become serene, you will become calm. You will develop a blissful existence. A heavenly existence..
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